Wednesday 25 June 2008


Did my make-up assessment at college last night on my friend Penny, and she's looked so glam! Well, after an eyelash perm, eyelash and brow tint, eyebrow shaping and a pair of false eyelashes, I guess it was to be expected. She was so patient and kind to let me "do her over."

I thought the false eyelashes would look fake, but they were surprisingly natural. I think it's the type of service that women might enjoy having. I think I'll check out some hairdressing salons and see if they would be interested in hiring me to do it for their clients, as it occured to me that it would have been much more useful for Penny if she had been going out that night.


Tuesday 24 June 2008


I do love organising coach trips to various places for interesting events. This time we are going to Cambridge for the Artist's Open Studios event in July. I finally wrote the press release on it that I had been meaning to do for a few weeks. The trip has already passed the break even point, so it will definately run, but it would be good to get some more passengers.

I guess one of the reasons I like the trips so much (in addition to being able to go and see some neat things of interest to myself) is that I get such nice feedback from my passengers. Even the folks that can't come on the trip often phone to express their regret, which is a very nice thing for them to do. I do try to make the flyers and contacts to people as personable as possible, because I like the passengers to know me and know I care about them having a good time.

The coach trip leaves Shrewsbury on Saturday, July 12 at 8:30 am, departing from the car park opposite the Shrewsbury Abbey. Cost is £20 per person return. If interested, email me on or leave a comment.

Many thanks, too, to Helen, one of my repeat customers, who is going to try to talk her husband into going. On our last trip to Liverpool, she was on her own, as her daughter had to cancel coming, so my husband acted as tour guide and showed her all around Liverpool. She loved having her very own Scouse guide!


Monday 23 June 2008


Another part of my business is vintage. I've organised a vintage clothing fair in Shrewsbury last year, which went very well. I also organise shopping trips to vintage fairs in other cities, and so far we have been to Manchester, Liverpool (to St. George's Hall) and Bath. Every trip people come back loaded with goodies from by-gone eras. I was especially pleased with my pink 1950s swing coat that I got in Liverpool on the last trip. Photo to follow when I can figure out how to get the photos onto the blog.

My friend Sue and I will head out to Welshpool in August to look for a 1940s ball gown for her. We're going to Ashman's Antiques, where my husband bought a pair of white wool trousers for a 1920s look, to go with his striped blazer and straw boater. Very dashing (if I do say so myself!)

The link to Ashman's is if you would like to have a look at their website. It looks like a treasure trove of goodies, and from experience I can certainly say it is! Not the cheapest place in the world, but a really vast selection of clothes that you wouldn't normally be able to find.

The trip is for Sue's dress, but you never know what I might find for myself. I do have a good selection of vintage outfits for various "dress up" events, but I'm always open to something new.

This is my vintage 1940s outfit for a 40s day at Attingham Park, near Shrewsbury. The good looking chap next to me is my husband.

Friday 20 June 2008


I don't suppose it's the type of thing most people shop for, but I need to buy a pair of strip eyelashes for one of my assessments at college. I am finishing up my course in Cosmetic Make-Up at Radbrook college and have volunteers booked for most of the final sessions.

As a friend asked, "what are strip lashes?" They're false eyelashes on a strip that you apply to the whole of the eyelid to create a dramatic look. I've already done the individual lashes, which was another requirement for the assessments. The individual ones look actually quite natural, more so that I thought they would. Fortunately, they also stayed on quite well. (And this was only my second go at using them!)

I'm grateful to my friend Penny who is game enough to let me perm and dye her eyelashes, tint her eyebrows and then apply false eyelashes. She'lll probably have eyelashes like butterfly wings by the time she leaves.


Wednesday 18 June 2008

Many thanks to Claire for responding to my blog. Makes me feel not so alone in the world!

Still having teething problems with getting things going. Mainly because I don't understand things, and when I don't understand, I imm ediately want to throw my toys out of the pram. And I do mean, immediately.

Have to do my CIL information for tomorrow. CIL stands for Course Information Leaflet for the course on Looking Good, Looking Great, which is an adult education course that I am going to be teaching at The Gateway Education and Arts Centre in Shrewsbury in October. I've had it on my "to do" list for too long. Does anyone else push things back and push things back until you just HAVE TO do them? I think it's possibly one of my worst traits. Certainly not good for business.

Does anybody have any opinions on shopping, and programs like 10 Years Younger that they would like to share?


Hi Everyone,

Welcome to my first blogspot. I'm being ably assisted by my friend Julie, who knows everything technical! She's getting lunch for payment. Hope it's a good trade!

I'm setting up my business "Shopper Girl" to go shopping for those who hate to shop, or if you love to shop, I'll come along to advise, carry bags, find bargains and generally make myself useful.

I am going to be featured in the July issue of Shropshire Magazine, so you can see me in action. Doing the photo shoot was really fun (I felt like a movie star, being photographed in the Square in Shrewsbury) with my friend Anita. Anita was there to be my "client" but she really is a client, in that she's been on one of my shopping trips and has also bought Virgin Vie cosmetics from me.

I am running a shopping trip to Cambridge, leaving from the car park opposite the Shrewsbury Abbey, on Saturday, July 12. Cost is £20 per person, and you are free to do whatever you like in Cambridge, although the "attraction" in Cambridge is the Artists Open Studios. If you're not familiar with the concept of artist's open studios, what happens is that practising artists open their studios (or living rooms) and allow the general public to trot through looking at their art. You can even buy some if you like.

Anyway, being new to this blogging lark, I just thought I would ask if any women would be interested in having me shop for them? What are your major problems with shopping and what could I do to help you solve them? I would appreciate any comments.