Wednesday 18 June 2008

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to my first blogspot. I'm being ably assisted by my friend Julie, who knows everything technical! She's getting lunch for payment. Hope it's a good trade!

I'm setting up my business "Shopper Girl" to go shopping for those who hate to shop, or if you love to shop, I'll come along to advise, carry bags, find bargains and generally make myself useful.

I am going to be featured in the July issue of Shropshire Magazine, so you can see me in action. Doing the photo shoot was really fun (I felt like a movie star, being photographed in the Square in Shrewsbury) with my friend Anita. Anita was there to be my "client" but she really is a client, in that she's been on one of my shopping trips and has also bought Virgin Vie cosmetics from me.

I am running a shopping trip to Cambridge, leaving from the car park opposite the Shrewsbury Abbey, on Saturday, July 12. Cost is £20 per person, and you are free to do whatever you like in Cambridge, although the "attraction" in Cambridge is the Artists Open Studios. If you're not familiar with the concept of artist's open studios, what happens is that practising artists open their studios (or living rooms) and allow the general public to trot through looking at their art. You can even buy some if you like.

Anyway, being new to this blogging lark, I just thought I would ask if any women would be interested in having me shop for them? What are your major problems with shopping and what could I do to help you solve them? I would appreciate any comments.


claire loder said...
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claire loder said...

just deleted my own comment! was trying to say well done Rosemary! Great stuff! I especially like the bit about making yourself useful and carrying bags because spare hands are a problem when shopping! I looked at yesterday after it got mentioned on Mary Queen of Shops - great site, take a look. Good luck with your blogging! - Claire

Rose the Shopper Girl said...

Thanks Claire,

Yes I love Mary Queen of Shops too. Will check out Colette. Doesn't it make you want to rush over to Cardiff to look at their "new improved" shop?

Rose the Shopper