Tuesday 24 June 2008


I do love organising coach trips to various places for interesting events. This time we are going to Cambridge for the Artist's Open Studios event in July. I finally wrote the press release on it that I had been meaning to do for a few weeks. The trip has already passed the break even point, so it will definately run, but it would be good to get some more passengers.

I guess one of the reasons I like the trips so much (in addition to being able to go and see some neat things of interest to myself) is that I get such nice feedback from my passengers. Even the folks that can't come on the trip often phone to express their regret, which is a very nice thing for them to do. I do try to make the flyers and contacts to people as personable as possible, because I like the passengers to know me and know I care about them having a good time.

The coach trip leaves Shrewsbury on Saturday, July 12 at 8:30 am, departing from the car park opposite the Shrewsbury Abbey. Cost is £20 per person return. If interested, email me on shoppergirl5@tiscali.co.uk or leave a comment.

Many thanks, too, to Helen, one of my repeat customers, who is going to try to talk her husband into going. On our last trip to Liverpool, she was on her own, as her daughter had to cancel coming, so my husband acted as tour guide and showed her all around Liverpool. She loved having her very own Scouse guide!


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